Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – Telegram In The Air Freight Industry

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Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – Telegram In The Air Freight Industry

Hello everyone, after the long May Day holiday, have you re-engaged in your intense and exciting work? If yes, congratulations, India is shipping a lot now, as long as you have the position, you will not worry about the goods. If not, congratulations, because maybe you are still on vacation. But don’t be too happy, in our line, even on vacation, there are constant phone calls, WeChat and emails.


We have briefly talked about the telegraph before, and today we will talk about this topic in detail. In fact, this topic was written because a reader reported that colleagues in their company misunderstood Telegram too much. This situation makes me feel the need to talk to you about telegrams. There are many things contained in the telegram, and the specifications, formats, and contents are all stipulated. Take this opportunity to let everyone know about the freight telegram.


In fact, there are many types of telegrams, and CCA is just one of them, but don’t say that telegram is CCA. We have to figure out the telegraph, or we have to start with the basics. At present, air telegrams are mainly divided into two major types. One is SITA Telegram and the other is AFTN Telegram. The difference between the two telegrams is that they are applicable to different departments. AFTN telegrams are mainly used by air traffic control departments, while SITA telegrams are more used internally by airlines. What we are going to talk about in this article is SITA Telegram.


Even SITA telegrams have many different types, such as takeoff, delay, FFM, FWB, FHL, etc. We are only discussing telegrams related to goods today. Not to mention the takeoff delay.


Next, as usual, let’s explain what SITA is. The full name of SITA is: Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques. Translated into Chinese is “International Aviation Telecommunications Corporation”. As an international general aviation communication agency, SITA has been working for the aviation industry (as far as I know there are also other industries using SITA’s business) for a long time, and the technology is also very mature, and it is a trustworthy agency.


Next, let’s take a look at the format of the telegram. Generally speaking, the composition of a telegram will display the following contents in order: telegram level (urgency), receiving address, sending address, sending date, telegram type, Telegram content, ending. for example:

. PEKAPCA 110830
CA911/11Sep STO PART 1


In the above example, QD is the telegram grade, STOAPSK and STOAPCA are the receiving addresses, PEKAPCA is the sending address, 110830 is the sending date, TPM is the telegram type, from CA911 to the second xxxx is the telegram content, and the last “= ” is the end.


Let’s talk about it one by one. The first is the telegraph class. We know that there are many types of telegrams, but how can we let people see the telegram that is most urgent and needs to be dealt with immediately among the vast amount of telegrams? is to use the telegraph class. Therefore, the beginning of each telegram must be clearly written with the level of the telegram and written on a separate line. In this way, if we encounter many telegrams, we only need to scan the first line of each telegram to know whether the telegram is an emergency telegram. So what does the level of the telegram indicate? What is the level of QD above? Little friends, don’t worry, I have summarized some common grades for your reference.

grade code Urgency/processing priority
Level 1 SS, QS, QC Processing priority higher than all other classes
Level 2 QU, QX Processing priority is higher than levels 3 and 4
Level 3 Any code beginning with Q except QS, QC, QU, QX and QD. The processing priority is higher than level 4. Telegrams whose rank begins with any letter other than SS will be considered as having no priority limit.
Level 4 QD Process telegrams of this level after processing all telegrams of level 1, 2, and 3.


Therefore, combined with this table, the example telegram above is a telegram with a priority of Level 4.


Next, let’s talk about the receiving address and sending address of the telegram. Both are the same format. They are all composed of 7 English letters. The first three letters are the airport’s three-letter code, the middle two are the airline’s internal department/position, and the last two are the airline’s two-letter code. For example, CANKKQR. This address represents: Guangzhou Qatar Airways Airport Office (for the webmaster). So seeing the telegram address, we can probably guess where the telegram is. The most confusing thing should be what department/position the two letters in the middle represent. Some of these two English letters are common, and some are set by the airlines themselves. I recalled a bit and listed some common letters for you.


KK: Station Manager (station manager) – this is generally applicable, many airlines will set the KK address.

FF : General cargo

FR: Cargo reservations (reservation department )

FH: Cargo handling  (Operation Department)

FS: Cargo Sales  (Sales Department)

FI: Cargo import  (Cargo import department)

FE: Cargo export  (Cargo export department)


Then the following departments are found on the Internet, and they are applicable to domestic

AA Civil Aviation Administration of Finance Department RC In-city international seat control
AC Civil Aviation Administration International Settlement Office RG In-city group reservations
AI Authority International Settlement Office RM automatic seat center
AP International check-in RP PTA Room (Advice of Advance Payment)
AR Finance Office RR City ticket office
CB office RT freight calculation
CC Airline Management Center RZ Ticket Office Seat Control Room
CE Confidential ST oil department
CG China Civil Aviation Advertising Company SW oil depot
CM Communications Office, Aviation Department, Civil Aviation Administration TF Production scheduling room
EN Communications of the Communications Office of the Aviation Department of the Civil Aviation Administration TR Enterprise Management Office
CW Weather room/station TX sales agent
CY Communication station/team TZ Airport domestic check-in
CZ Civil Aviation Administration Communication Center UA Finance Office
DD foreign offices UB Operation Management Office, Quality Measurement Office
DR Construction Division of Infrastructure Department UC advertising company
ER Science and Education Office UD navigation department
FC International Cargo Capacity Control UE Science and Education Section
FD Airport Domestic Cargo UF Marketing Office, Flight Planning Office
FF Freight department, overseas freight representative UG General Aviation Division
FI Airport International Cargo UH Operation Department, Commerce Department
FS Intra-city international freight UI aeronautical information room
FT In-city international freight pickup UJ Equipment Management Office
FU In-city domestic freight UK Care Unit (Flight, Engineering, Economics, Accounting)
HC airline food company UL Aircraft maintenance plant, maintenance center
HH Catering department UM Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Office, Maintenance Office
IP Civil Aviation News Agency UN flying brigade
JA A part of aviation materials company UO dispatch room
JB Aviation materials company two UP Passenger Terminal
JJ equipment company UQ Cargo Office
JR Aviation Materials Management Center UR International Relations Office, Foreign Affairs Office
KD Airport Domestic Passenger Services US Supply Office, Cabin Services Department
KK Head of foreign office UT Production scheduling room
KL Airport International Stowage UV Flight Safety Technology Division
KM Off-duty automatic control center UW Planning Office
KN Domestic stowage at the airport UX Airline Central Radio
KP Domestic check-in procedures, airport transfer ticket sales UY Telecommunications Office, Communications Supervisor
KU Unit control center, department UZ and airline president and general manager
LD Airport Domestic Cargo Inquiry WR Meteorological Office
LI Airport International Cargo Inquiry XC Receiver on duty
LL International Baggage Tracking XM Automatic transfer machine
LN Domestic Baggage Inquiry XT communication center
MJ Aircraft Repair Plant/Maintenance Brigade XZ Agency Radio
MP Aviation material order department YF aeronautical fixed station/replier control seat
MR Airworthiness Office YM weather station
NB Flight Standard Division Flight Safety Inspection Office YN CAAC NOTAM Room
NC Flight Accident Investigation Division, Flight Standard Division YP Meteorological Information Clearinghouse
NR Flight Standard Security Checkpoint Security Section YS To the air station
OA Aviation Department of Civil Aviation Administration YT Communications and Navigation Office
OI Aeronautical Information Office of the Airport ZB pipe adjustment
OR Navigation Office / Section ZG overall tone
OU squadron ZI flight information center
OY flying brigade ZP station tune
PR Planning Office ZQ instrument flight control center
PX Metrology Office ZR District tone
QR labor department ZT tower


Knowing these codes, we know exactly where the telegram address is. There are also some airlines that have no way of knowing.


The last is the airline code. If you still want to find out which airline a certain two-character code is, you can click here to read the article we talked about earlier. The article provides the query method on the IATA official website.


Next, let’s talk about telegram types, which is the focus of this article. Because of the variety of telegrams, it is necessary to distinguish between different telegram types. In the example telegram above, TPM is a telegram, which means the actual class passenger list report. Of course, this is not the most necessary knowledge for those of us who do cargo (but also understand that you don’t know the actual passengers, how can you predict the payload). In order to let people know at a glance what type of telegram is, a separate location is given to this field.


At the beginning of the article, there is a FFM newspaper, a FWB newspaper, and a FHL newspaper. These are some of the most common telegrams that we can usually come into contact with. Let’s briefly explain it first.


The FFM report, which is equivalent to the manifest, is the telegram of the cargo manifest. In the FFM report, the manifest of all goods on the entire flight will be displayed. With the FFM report, you can know the situation of each shipment on the flight.


The FWB report is equivalent to the main single content. Note that this is a Master Airway Bill, not a split bill. For those who have forgotten the knowledge of the bill of lading, you can click here to review what we said about the bill of lading before. The FWB message is to send out the contents of the master bill of each cargo on the flight in the form of telegrams. Some friends may have doubts. There are so many bills of lading for one flight. Do I have to enter the telegram one by one? The answer is: yes and no. Very contradictory? Let me take it slow. In fact, we need to enter the bill of lading information for each flight, whether it is the main order or the sub-order, we must enter it. The difference is that some airlines record orders by agents, and some airlines record orders by themselves. But no matter who records the order, there will be a record when the order is recorded. The FWB report is to retrieve the B/L information that has been entered and organize it into a FWB report. So everyone remember to be careful when recording. Otherwise, even the FWB message will be wrong.


The FHL report is equivalent to the content of the order. This is actually the same as FWB, except that the content of the message becomes a separate order. Not much to say here.


Now let’s continue to look at some other common telegram types, so that you can have a concept when you see them later.

FFR Tonnage application FFA Tonnage Reply
FUR Application for tonnage of container equipment FUA Unit tonnage reply
CPM ULD status UCM Unit control
FFC Tonnage booking changes FSR Situation inquiry
FSA Situation reply FAD error notification
FRP Abnormal Shipping Report FCC Confirmation of Fee Change
FMB Notice of stop accepting goods FMC Changes to stop cargo notification
FMX Cancellation of Notice of Cessation of Acceptance of Goods FFM cargo manifest telegram
FCM cargo declaration manifest telegram FBL Ordered tonnage cargo list
FSH Special cargo reservation application FFH Inquiry telegram for abnormal transportation of goods
CCA Change payment method or shipping order content


Continuing, it is the content of the telegram. As mentioned in previous articles, because there are many abbreviations in telegrams, some are conventional, and some may be the habits of the telegraphers themselves. We can understand the conventions, and the writing habits can also be roughly guessed from the context. Below are some common ones for your reference.

ERROR wrong OVCD Missed unloading
OFLD pull goods MSMFST less bills
STLD lack SSPD Missing equipment
FDCA Overcharge MISLBL mislabeled
MSAW less freight bill MSCA less cargo
DFLD installed DMG damaged
FDAW Overcharge Waybill


Finally, let me briefly mention that in many telegrams, an equal sign “=” is used as the end of the message. That way everyone will know the telegram is over. This practice is equivalent to the meaning of “the following contents are blank” written in the contract. simple and clear.


Alright, that’s it for this lecture. See you next time!


NB: Karron is the owner of the “NatureCalls” Wechat Official Account.

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