Today we are going to discuss the issue of air waybill. Many small partners may wonder, just an air waybill, why say it? In fact, don’t underestimate an air waybill, there are a lot of things worth paying attention to.
First of all, the air waybill can be roughly divided into two types, one is the neutral bill of lading (Neutral AWB), and the other is the airline bill of lading (Carrier AWB).
Here, first of all, it is necessary to explain that the “AWB” mentioned in this article is MAWB, which is the Master Air Way Bill. The main difference between the main bill and the House Air Way Bill is that the roles and occasions used are different. On this point, this article will not go into detail.
A neutral bill of lading is a blank bill of lading with no tracking number, no carrier (airline and its logo), and no originating station. It has to be typed by hand, and it is applicable to all airline waybills, which are called neutral waybills. For example the following picture:

Scanned Neutral MAWB
The airline bill of lading is the opposite of the neutral bill of lading. It already has the tracking number, the carrier, and the originating station. One waybill corresponds to one tracking number and can only be applied to one airline. (Sorry, no scan copies here)
From their two interpretations, it is not difficult to find that the neutral bill of lading is more widely applicable, while the airline bill of lading is unique. If it is a neutral bill of lading, the agent does not need to get a paper bill of lading from the airline, but only needs the order number, and then uses the neutral bill of lading purchased by himself to make a waybill. If it is an airline bill of lading, you must apply for a paper bill of lading from the airline. From this, it can be deduced that if the airline bill of lading has a printing error or is lost, it can only be modified or re-applied for the bill number. If the bill of lading is lost after the goods have been cleared through customs, it is very likely that the bill of lading needs to be deleted and re-reported, because the airline bill of lading corresponds to the bill of lading and the bill of lading. If a bill of lading is invalid, it can no longer be used. It is impossible to re-issue the same bill of lading. And airlines may charge fines. Therefore, the small partners who use the airline bill of lading should be extra careful with the bill of lading.
Add a little knowledge here. As we all know, there are bills of lading for sea freight and bills of lading for air freight, so what is the difference between the two? In fact, the difference between the two is huge. First of all, strictly speaking, the correct statement used by Air is: AWB – Air Way Bill, as the name suggests, he is a road bill. The correct statement used by Hai is B/L – Bill of lading, which is the true bill of lading.
However, if only the names are different, why is it said to be very different? Because there is a very important difference between AWB and B/L, that is, AWB is only a contract of transportation, and does not have the function of a document of title. Only B/L has the function of certificate of title. This is reflected in practice, that is, the goods shipped by air cannot be held at the destination, while the goods by sea can be held at the destination. And for the goods by sea, whoever holds the bill of lading has the ownership of the goods, and all terminals and carriers have to recognize (unless there is an endorsement). But if someone simply takes an AWB to the cargo station and says that you are the owner of the cargo, the cargo station will not release the goods to this person. It is also because AWB does not have the function of a certificate of title, so AWB has never endorsed it. If someone insists on endorsement, then this endorsement is also invalid.
So you must remember, if there is no identity authentication, even if you are really the owner of the goods, you will not be able to mention the goods with AWB. However, friends, don’t be naive to think that since AWB is not a certificate of title, I can pick up the goods without AWB. This idea is wrong, because AWB is a contract of carriage. If you don’t show it, how can you prove that you/your airline company has a carriage agreement? How can you prove that this ticket is the cargo you asked the airline to transport? So when picking up the goods, AWB is also needed, but it is not the only required information.
At the same time, everyone also needs to know that there are generally 12 copies of AWB, and the first copy is the original copy (that is, the famous green copy), which is reserved for the carrier’s finances, so it is also called the financial copy, and the second copy is also the original copy. The consignee, the third page is the last original, to the consignor. The others are copies, and there are three copies called “Copy” and six copies called “Extra Copy”, and all copies have no essential difference. And the eighth couplet is for the agent. Of course, in actual work, it makes no difference which couplet the agent takes in the copy.
Therefore, holding AWB in hand proves that there is a contract of carriage with the airline company, and the airline company promises to carry the goods. Oh yes, don’t forget that the carrier itself provides airport-to-airport services. Others, such as delivery, customs clearance, destination delivery and other services, are all services provided by the agent. At this point, everyone understands why there is a difference between air freight rate and local charges, right?
Well, AWB’s explanation ends here, let’s take a look at how to fill in the important places above AWB. See the diagram below. In fact, for every explanation of AWB, there are detailed explanations on TACT Rules, but not every small partner has TACT Rules, so I will pick a few more important ones and explain them to you.

Scanned Neutral MAWB
Let’s explain one by one:
- Here you should fill in the waybill and the place of origin. The format is 123-HKG-12345678
- Carrier information should be filled in here. It’s the full name of the airline
- Fill in the name, address and contact information of the sender and consignee here. Of course, some small partners will simply enter some information here for the sake of protecting the privacy of customers, which is understandable, but if it is a direct order, pay attention to the consignee must write clearly, otherwise the receipt will not be notified after the goods arrive. people
- The three-letter code of the agent. The three-character code of the same agent in different airlines may be different, and it should be confirmed with the airline (usually this will be implemented when signing the contract).
- The billing number of the agent in the airline
- Here are a few points
- Airport of departure: departure station
- Leftmost To: Transfer Station
- By first carrier: The first carrier
- To/By on the right side of the middle: transfer station/two- and three-way carrier
- Airport of Destination: final destination
- Requested Flight/Date: flight number/date, example: EY001/5Aug
- Fill in the currency of the origin, prepaid or collect (note that in air freight, only prepaid, that is to say PP)
- This is the declared value of the goods. Generally, NVD – No Value Declared is filled here.
- Handling Information fills in, if special goods such as PER, it is necessary to write the temperature requirements here.
- Here are also a few points, but the Rate Class is more complicated. To fill in the code corresponding to different goods, we will expand this next time.
- No of pieces: number of pieces
- Gross weight: Gross weight
- Rate Class: If it is the minimum consumption, it is M, if it is +45 level, it is N, and Q is the general level price.
- Chargeable weight: Chargeable weight
- Rate/Charge: unit price
- Total: total price
- Nature of Quantity of Goods: Name of goods (if there is a separate order, you can fill in Consol here, if you have a direct order, write the description of the goods directly. It should be noted that some destination customs do not accept consol)
- Due Carrier: It is the fee charged by the carrier. The most basic fees: AWC-bill of lading fee, MSC-fuel surcharge, SSC-security surcharge.
- Total prepaid: The total fee to be charged
- The agent’s signature and seal (can not be omitted here, if it is omitted, the freight station has the right not to accept the bill)
Okay, that’s it, the basic situation of AWB has been introduced, thank you for your support. Remember to share when you see it. Of course, you are more welcome to scan the QR code below to follow the official account. See you next time.