What is a transit flight?

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What is a transit flight?


Hello folks, this is Karron.
From your previous experience, you must know there are direct flights and transit flights from A to B. What is the difference? Can we always choose the direct flight as it is faster?
The answer is yes, but the direct flight is also more expensive. Apart from this, we have to figure out that all carriers will need to make transit in their hubs. A hub is something like the headquarter of a carrier. For example, Dubai is the hub for Emirates and Doha is the hub for Qatar.
The carrier will collect all the cargos from different places and make them transferred together to the destination at their hubs. This is already an industrial practice and easier for managing cargos from all over the world.
The cargo will be offloaded from the previous flight and consolidated at the hub, get uplifted again to the next flight. The benefit of such operation is to lower the operational cost of cargo handling and can ensure the smooth transition of all cargos.
A hub for a carrier is fixed, but there will not be always be direct flights for all destinations.
Therefore, instead of choosing a direct flight, transit flights are also a pretty good options.
I hope you understnad, and I’ll see you next time.

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