Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – Rediscover Field Operator (On Site)

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Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – Rediscover Field Operator (On Site)

Hello everyone, here comes our new lecture on aviation logistics knowledge. In this issue, our title has changed, and the protagonist we want to talk about today is: live operation. Their usual presence is not very high, but they are the ones who can make our goods go smoothly. So, let’s discuss this position today.


First of all, why is the role of field operations not negligible? Because he is responsible for a series of actions such as warehousing, counting, packaging, PL/CI, issuing bills of lading, assisting in customs clearance, making documents, and submitting documents. In this position, overtime is the norm. Even sometimes, customers are late for delivery, and in order to catch a flight, they often rush to process the goods without having to eat. So their importance is self-evident. However, they actually still have many undiscovered potentials that have not been paid attention to. Once these potentials are realized, it will improve the profit structure and thinking mode of the entire company, and at the same time, it can also make a qualitative change in the personal value and career of field operations.


We know that as long as the goods are in the same warehouse, they can be stored in the same area. The place to enter the warehouse is the platform. Therefore, during the peak season, there are usually rows of trucks, with the tail facing the platform, and then the porters unload the goods from the trucks. If it is palletized goods, it will be unloaded with a forklift. Therefore, the platform is usually a hot scene. The sound of various calls, mixed with the noise of people, the roar of the forklift engine, and the shouting of the transporters, is like a vegetable market. Every on-site operation hopes that its own goods can be unloaded at the fastest speed, counted, and then smoothly put into the warehouse. So they are very focused on doing their own thing.


In fact, at this time, it is very likely that there will be someone from the owner’s company nearby. And the purpose of their coming is most likely to see how their tickets are handled. If he sees the hard work of the on-site operation, will he appreciate it? Did it deepen your impression of this company? It’s even possible to invite this operation over to their company to help. Haha, although this possibility is relatively low, it must be said that the on-site operation is also a reflection of the company’s image. Therefore, the quality and efficiency of their work will also affect the customer’s impression of the company.


Or, a customer who was not originally from his own company, seeing his own on-site operation of dry goods very hard, came directly to distribute the goods to you, which may not be the case. Right? Even if it’s just a contact information. Get in touch when you are free, as long as you vote, you have already earned it.


However, not many companies pay enough attention to this position. Why do you say that? Because not every company has the configuration field to operate this position. I know some companies that directly outsource the operation of the goods on site to other companies. It has to be said that this is a “throttling” approach, which saves labor costs and time costs. Leave it all to someone else to deal with once and for all. However, in my opinion, this is not only not saving money, but a big loss. Because when the customer gives you the goods, it is the trust in you, and you give his trust to other people. The essence of this is to hand over the customer directly to others. The customer you have worked so hard to develop will get it without spending a penny, and you will have to pay him an operating fee. Are you wrong?


I believe this principle does not need me to say more, everyone understands it. Of course, these companies also understand this truth, but the actual situation does not allow them to find their own on-site operations at this stage. At this time, it is necessary to choose partners carefully.


A good on-site operation, in fact, his play space is not just an operation. I’ve also seen live operations turned into sales. This change cannot be said to be minor. However, I also saw the efforts behind his transformation. Learning more systematic and professional air transport knowledge is certainly a point, and at the same time, his brain is very flexible.

Field operation is a very rigid job. The nature of his work requires him to do everything according to SOP or established rules and regulations. Because if you don’t follow the process, things may happen. It is easy to miss the flight, or cause a major civil aviation accident. So there can be no play. In other words, follow the rules. In the world of live operations, there are only two colors, either black or white. There is no duplicity. But if the operation is to seek career advancement, it must know colors other than black and white. Taking the example we mentioned above, after outsourcing the on-site operation, if the operation that receives the goods has a little sales awareness, they will know how to copy the information on the label on the box. This information is very important, and may contain important information such as the consignee’s name, contact information, and the name of the goods. After you get this information, can’t you contact the customer directly? So, let’s recall the example just now. Does this mean that you give your customers to others with both hands?


Well, some smart friends will say, can I ask the customer not to display the mark on the box? Yes, it’s okay to do this, but the decision is not up to you, and possibly even your client. Because sometimes, overseas buyers require domestic sellers to clearly write this information on the box to facilitate their identification of the box. So, it’s not something you can do when you ask for it. Besides, even if the customer really does not show the mark on the box, you must show the consignee and consignee on the warehouse receipt, right? Even if you hide the sender’s information, the receiver’s information must be clearly displayed. Because the bill of lading is to play according to this. If the information is not complete, the destination may not be able to contact the consignee.


So, for a mature field operation, there are many ways to obtain this information. And if he has some demands on himself, he will have this information. Plan for your future career. Of course, I am not here to encourage everyone to do this, but to remind everyone that there are many things that can be done on-site operations. If possible, try to find your own on-site operations.


OK, let’s move on to the next point. The ability of on-site operation is far more than those mentioned above. Generally, the on-site operation of the freight forwarding company cannot enter the warehouse area, because the warehouse area is a customs supervision area, and a pass is required to enter. Generally, only relevant personnel such as airlines, warehouse staff, and board players can enter. Of course, it is not ruled out that some particularly awesome freight forwarders can also enter the warehouse area. Or there are special reasons to temporarily enter the storage area.


Among them, the people of the board company are often seen in the field operation. Their working areas are roughly the same, and they can’t see them when they look down. If you can get acquainted with their squad leader or Banwang. Usually have a good relationship with them, and when they see your goods in the future, they will naturally be more attentive. You know, even if there is one more item, it is a very happy thing. If our on-site operation savvy is high enough and we can take the initiative to do this well, then the service quality of the company will be greatly improved.


Speaking of which, in fact, smart friends already know the ability of a real on-site operation. But more of their abilities are still waiting for us to discover. So now, let’s explore what skills or preparations are required if field operations are to be transferred.


Taking reselling as an example, the on-site operation can actually be exposed to part of the sales work in the usual work. Take the example above. In fact, I have seen many similar situations with my own eyes. It’s the on-site operations that take orders, mostly because they really do a good job and customers are willing to entrust the goods to them.


But beyond that, there is still a long way to go. First of all, you must be familiar with the airline, at least familiarize yourself with the company’s products. This is the most basic, every seller must be familiar with their own products to sell. Secondly, some sales skills are required, such as being good at discovering and grasping the psychology of customers, pursuing and understanding differentiated sales. The so-called differentiated marketing means that both company A and company B have xx routes, so why do customers choose you? Here is a very typical sales skills question. Let customers know what sets you apart from other companies and what your strengths are. Customers will measure the pros and cons. Finally, keep in mind that while selling is selling a product, it is, in essence, selling yourself. When the other party trusts you, it will be easier to hand over the goods to you. When an on-site operation can skillfully use the above three points, there will be the possibility of changing the guard.


Having said that, I hope to inspire all the on-site operation partners, and let everyone work together for a better tomorrow!

NB: Karron is the owner of the “NatureCalls” Wechat Official Account.

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