Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – How To Become A Professional Field Operation

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Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – How To Become A Professional Field Operation

Hello everyone, welcome to continue to watch the aviation knowledge logistics lecture. In this issue, we want to talk about the last position: field operation. Regarding this position, in fact, I have said it before. For those who have forgotten, please click here to review the previous situation.


On-site operation is a post that is exposed to the sun and rain and runs outside every day. This is a position that obtains a high temperature subsidy reasonably and legally every year, and it is also a very hard job. Before we start talking, first of all, give these little friends a high respect!


On-site operation of this post is the last process in the air transportation process, so it is easy to be ignored, but this definitely does not mean that this post is not important. On the contrary, this position is the key to the smooth and normal progress of our goods.


After we receive the customer’s bkd, the customer service will contact the trailer (in the case of entrusted pickup) or directly ask the customer (in the case of customer-delivery) to learn the estimated arrival time, driver information, license plate and other information. This is to make the warehousing arrangement of the goods clearer and more planned for our field operation colleagues. Sometimes, if there is no flight and no customer delivery on the day, our on-site operation colleagues may have a rest. After all, there is not much to do at work, and the work is usually very tiring. Therefore, the arrival plan must be provided to the colleagues on site in advance, and their work will be well arranged.


After receiving the goods, if the goods are placed in the secondary warehouse first, a simple inspection of the outer packaging of the goods will be carried out in the secondary warehouse. The purpose of this, as we have said before, is to reduce unnecessary misunderstandings caused by damaged packaging. Moreover, the general cargo station will not let the goods with damaged outer packaging or very worn outer packaging into the warehouse. Friends can imagine, if the package is intact when the goods are put into the warehouse, but the package is damaged when it arrives at the destination. Then it is easy to know that the breakage occurred in transit. If the damage results in the goods being stolen or damaged. Then this person is easy to distinguish. On the contrary, if the inspection of the outer packaging is not done at the origin, it is difficult to say where the damage occurred, and it is difficult to determine the responsibility. The best way is to take a picture of the on-site operation after receiving the goods, regardless of whether the packaging is damaged or not, and then send it to the customer service for a record. Customer service can also send it back to the customer to show that when the goods arrive at our warehouse, they are also intact, or the goods are damaged and need to be repackaged, etc.


Some qualified agents will also put an X-ray machine in the warehouse, especially for e-commerce goods agents, they can let the goods pass the plane in advance, if they find prohibited items and have not declared, they can directly take the goods. The goods are stopped without going to the warehouse. Or after consulting with the customer, pick out the problematic goods, and then re-stock. Some customers will deliberately entrain batteries in the goods. Or they themselves don’t know there is a battery. In this case, it will be more troublesome to find out when entering the warehouse. If we can communicate in advance, of course it is the best, otherwise when we have a lot of tickets and goods lined up to enter the warehouse, the goods that are concealed in the previous ticket will be blocked. no. Just got a headache.


After confirming that the outer packaging is not damaged and the goods are normally not entrained, the operation can arrange the goods to be closed in advance. As far as I know, it is the operation method in Guangzhou and Shanghai to first forecast the customs clearance and then enter the warehouse. There are also goods in other places that are normally put into the warehouse and then declared to customs. When entering the warehouse, the on-site operation colleague should be present throughout the whole process, whether to supervise or deal with emergencies, he must be present. Then after warehousing, the cargo station will issue warehousing paper, which will truthfully and formally record all the data according to the number of pieces, weight, volume, etc. at the time of warehousing. Let us know the specific condition of the goods clearly.


After getting the warehousing paper, the operator can take a picture of the warehousing paper and send it back to the customer service, and let the customer service check the goods data with the customer. Among them, some companies first check the bill of lading with the customer in advance except for the weight and volume of the goods, and then check the goods data with the customer when they have the data, and some companies directly issue a draft to the customer service after warehousing. Yes, this is not a big problem. Anyway, the raw data must be provided by the field operation. But I personally prefer the former, because although there is one more step, it saves time and effort. Because after the goods are put into the warehouse, it is necessary to start the next action, and there is not much time to delay. If the customer spends more time in this link, it is likely to affect the flight.


If it is not the case of forecast customs, after the customer confirms the weight and volume of the pieces, we can fill in the customs declaration form and start the customs declaration process. Of course, we still need the cooperation of customer service in advance to ask the customer to get the customs declaration information of the goods, and we can declare the goods on the spot. Now many agents will assign this link of customs declaration to customs brokers. There is absolutely no problem with this operation, because many on-site operations may not have a customs declarer certificate, so they are not qualified to declare at the customs. Customs declaration also requires experience and professional skills. Therefore, professional things are left to professional people, which I have always agreed with. If it is for the customs broker, then hand over all the customs declaration materials to the customs broker and let them go to the customs. Of course, there are also cases where customers declare themselves at customs, then we can hand over the information to the customers or their designated customs brokers.


If there is a problem in the customs declaration process, it must be communicated with the customer service in time on the spot, and the customer service will follow up the situation with the customer, and try to solve the problem as soon as possible. This is also the reason why many on-site colleagues and customer service colleagues basically do not have a rest when the flight does not fly. Just worry about what problems will arise, and any problems need our timely handling, so as not to delay the flight.


If all goes well, the goods will be cleared through customs as scheduled, and the customs will seal and release. Then our on-site colleagues need to go to the customs or customs broker to get back all the documents such as the customs clearance and the bill of lading, and organize them. Then immediately go to the freight station to pay the bill. This action is very time sensitive. If a shipment fails to deliver the order in time, it will definitely not be shipped. Even if it is cleared through customs, if the order is not delivered to the cargo station, it can only be regarded as uncleared because the order has not been delivered. If the document is not delivered, it means that the goods lack random documents. This is obviously unshipable. Therefore, after customs clearance, you must hand in the bill as soon as possible, and then the cargo station will help to put the bill in the corresponding flight basket, and the cargo station colleague will hand it to the bottom of the plane.


At the same time of customs declaration, the board-making company will usually make the board. It is to put the goods on the ULD. Smart friends may have guessed that there may be some problems due to the time difference. Because when the board is hit, the goods have not yet cleared customs, but it is impossible not to hit the board. However, if the goods are marked up and the goods cannot be cleared through customs in the end, or the order cannot be delivered in time, then the goods cannot leave and can only be removed. This risk is great. Therefore, it is actually very difficult for airlines to do it. Once there is a demolition of the board, it may affect the goods on the entire ULD. Everyone is also considerate to airlines, and sometimes there are various objective reasons for pulling goods. Of course, even if this kind of thing does happen, if we explain it to the customer according to the actual situation, the customer may not accept it. Therefore, the problem of pulling goods will be a headache. Here is the need for mutual understanding between the agent and the airline. After all, customers only know that they want to take the goods, and they don’t know the industry’s practices.


At this point, the work of the colleagues operating on-site has finally come to an end. Some companies also ask their operating colleagues to wait until the flight takes off and notify the customer service before leaving get off work. Of course, this action varies from person to person, and some companies ask customer service to check it themselves. This is not important, it is enough to clearly distinguish the job responsibilities.


Well, that’s the end of our issue. Thank you all for continuing to follow me.

NB: Karron is the owner of the “NatureCalls” Wechat Official Account.

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