Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – The Follow-up of Missing Cargo

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Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – The Follow-up of Missing Cargo

Hello everyone, I believe that everyone has encountered the situation of lost goods. Once it appears, in fact, everyone is more anxious, because there may be problems in any link during the transportation process. But how to find the crux of the problem? I believe most of my friends are clueless.

So, today let’s talk about how we should follow up after the goods are lost. Three words sum up: step by step.

First of all, the first thing to do is to calm yourself down, worrying will not help. I know that customers are constantly urging, but no matter how urging, things still have to come step by step. Otherwise, it will be more troublesome if you mess up your steps. The next step must be to notify the airline about the loss of the goods first, let the airline help find the goods, or even conduct WWT. Click here to review the WWT concept.

Then, take out the packing list given by the customer at that time, compare the packing list with the data when the goods were put into the warehouse, and check whether the number of pieces and the weight are different. If there is no discrepancy, go to the next step and compare whether the number of pieces on the cardboard is correct (if possible). Because not everyone can see cardboard, if you can’t, that’s okay.

Then, ask the airline for the manifest of the flight, which records the distribution of each ticket in detail. Of course, in order to avoid seeing the information of other experts, you can code the tracking number information of other goods.

Then, trouble the airline, the transfer station, and the destination to check the weight of the pieces. If the data doesn’t match up, that’s where the problem is.

Speaking of which, do you understand? There’s nothing ingenious here, it’s just to deduce every place to check if there is any problem. There are several points of attention reflected here: 1. Go to the inspection step by step, panic is useless. Second, click to break one by one, this is a stupid method, and it is definitely a time-consuming method, but it is an effective method.

Therefore, we must do a good job of appeasing customers, carrying out work in an orderly manner, finding the place where the goods are lost, and completing the closed loop of finding goods.

In real work, it is very likely that every point has been found, and the data is all correct, but the customer is saying that there is less stock. Then we’re going to start changing our minds.

Is it possible that the data is wrong? Is it possible that something unexpected or man-made happened in the middle?

At this time, we have to ask the destination for a POD – Proof of Delivery. This file records the information that the consignee finally receives the goods at the destination. Also called proof of receipt. It says how many pieces of the waybill, how much, and how many pieces the actual consignee receives. Check to see if the item is missing. If the POD does not say that there are lost goods and the customer tells you that it is lost. Then a possibility cannot be ruled out: the consignor did not put those goods into the goods in the first place.

But at this time, it cannot be proved that the consignor did not put the goods in. Then, let’s look at the POD again to see if there is any defect in the packaging of the goods. Because if the packaging of the goods is defective, it will also be displayed on the POD, which is also the basis for the consignee to claim against the agent or airline.

Then, if there is no defect on the POD, it means that the package is complete, and it also excludes the possibility that someone has moved the goods during transportation, that is, there is no case of stealing the goods.

Next, there is no other way, but to ask the airline to help negotiate with the cargo terminals at the originating station, transit station, and destination station, and call the monitoring to see if the CCTV shows anything abnormal. We have also said before that the cargo terminal belongs to the customs supervision area, so it is very normal to have monitored. Of course, it is another matter of whether the cargo station can be seen or not.

If after 21 days of searching and still not finding the goods, you can prepare to file a claim. Of course, the 21 days can also be changed according to airline policies. The process and amount of the claim have been mentioned before, and those who have forgotten can click here .

Well, here is the entire processing process and follow-up method after we found that the goods were lost, I hope to help you guys. Of course, I hope you never use it.

See you next time!

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